The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, body and soul, into heaven is a profound mystery. However, this feast is not just about honoring Our Lady; it is about contemplating the boundless generosity of God. God’s generosity is a characteristic that often escapes us. We tend to think of God as all-powerful, which he is, but we sometimes forget that his power is exercised in perfect humility and generosity. God does not hoard his glory or keep his love and joy to himself. Instead, he gives everything he has to anyone willing to accept it.
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The Eucharist is life. That is what Jesus means when he says, “I am the living bread that comes down from heaven and gives life to the world.” The bread he gives us, his flesh, is life. It is not a metaphor. It is not a mere symbol. It really is life, the life of heaven, and Jesus freely gives it to us. He shares with us an eternal and perfect reality simply because he loves us. He does not give us the gift of his flesh and his life because we deserve it. He does not give it to us because we are amazing and inspiring examples for the world. He gives it to us despite our many sins and failures. He gives us life to prove that he loves us. And the one and only thing he asks in return, is that we do the same, that we take the gift of life that we have received, and we give it to others.
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It is easy to talk about doctrine, the set of things that we are required to believe as Catholics. Today marks one of those days when it is even easier. Today begins what is called the bread of life discourse. Over the next few Sundays, Jesus will elucidate how he embodies the true bread of life, illustrating how Old Testament accounts of miraculous feedings foreshadowed his own presence. He will emphasize that partaking in his body and blood is essential for attaining eternal life within us. So we can see how easy it would be to write off the next few Sundays as moments just to talk doctrine: the real presence, transubstantiation, and all of those things. But that wouldn’t be helpful. We all know what the Church teaches. Many of us have heard it time and again our entire lives. So, let’s not talk about that today.
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