The Blessed Virgin Mary is the supreme model for the Church and for every believer. Yet, it is unfortunate that we so often misunderstand and mischaracterize her. For far too long, Mary has been seen as merely demure and maidenly, a passive vessel who carried God rather than an active participant in the drama of salvation.
But that is not the Mary of Nazareth we encounter in scripture. A passive vessel is not the young woman who said “yes” to God. The Mary of the Gospels is the Mother of God, the model of Christian faith, and the greatest of Jesus’ disciples. God did not love her and bestow his abundant grace upon her because she was quiet and submissive. He chose her as his very mother because she was courageous. When faced with an incomprehensible mystery, she said “yes.” Contrast this with the many men in scripture who hesitated or tried to avoid God’s call. Elijah hid his face. 1 Kings 19:13 Jeremiah said, “I am too young.” Jer 1:6 Moses said, “I think you are looking for my brother.” See Exod 4:10-16 But Mary stared directly into the heart of the mystery, and with courage and faith, she said “yes.” Yes, she would give birth to the world’s salvation. Yes, she would stand by the cross and watch her only child die so that we all might live.
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